Fundraising Tips

Whether you’re a first-time fundraiser, or an experienced one, here are some tips that will help you maximize the funds!


Once you’re done creating your campaign page, you ought to reach out to the prospective donors. And while it is easier said than done, follow these tricks and you’ll be good to go. But before we begin, take note of the fact that the first and the last three days of your campaign hold the most weight.

Step - 1

Since, it is your friends and family who will vouch for you, and feel your dedication towards the cause, reach out to them at the very beginning.
Pro Tip - You should aim to raise 25% of the desired funds through the people from your inner circle.

Step - 2

Reach out to your outer circle comprising of your acquaintances, old friends etc. Since you will already have raised a significant amount of donations from your inner circle, your associates will be motivated to make donations.


Not all communication can be as effective through social media, as it is through the conventional mode, that is, a heartfelt one-to- one conversation. Not that we’re asking you to go meet everyone in person. Just contact people directly either through mail or through message. Remember, personalised communication will help you reap astounding results. Of course, once you have exhausted your direct contacts, you can go ahead to exploit social media platforms to create a buzz about your campaign. Needless to mention, do include your fundraiser page link in all your communication!


When someone makes a donation to your cause, make sure to thank him/her. And do so explicitly. If possible, call them, if not text them. Again, personalised communication is the key.
Pro Tip: The earlier you say Thank You, the better it is!
This will not only help them experience instant gratification but will also be motivated to spread the word about your campaign.


As your campaign progresses, keep your donors updated about the same. This will help them feel more involved with the cause, and may even encourage them to contribute again. More often than not, this step will also lead them to spread the word, thus making your fundraiser a great success. You can keep them updated via emails, or by posting the same on your social media handles.

Final Word

Once your campaign reaches its completion, get in touch with each one of your donors and let them know of the great response that you received. Don’t forget to tell them, how their contribution will make a huge difference to the beneficiaries. In addition, talk about what your experience has been throughout the campaign, and share some of the best messages that you have received pertaining the progress and the success of the fundraiser. Of course, don’t forget to say a big thank you to the donors. Again, make sure that you thank all the people who have supported you by posting a closing note on all the social media handles that you used for the promotion of the fundraiser. We hope that you now have a fair idea of what you need to do, in order to make your fundraiser the success that it needs to be!